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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Beat treatment for Eye problems | Health Tips

Beat treatment for Eye problem | Health Tips 
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Home Remedies to Improve Eyesight

1-        New York [News Desk] If you are under a weak ideology or for some reason you have been asked for a surgery, try making a copy on this prescription before making this difficult decision. The weakness of the eye can be seen around the eyes, the eyelashes on the eye and the problems of such kind may occur. There are several reasons for these problems, including smoking, drugs, eye swelling, depression or medicines.
The solution of eye problems:
You should choose the fruits that strengthen your eyes. Such fruits include billiards, closed cabbage, chairs
Included. Use of fruits and vegetables in which beta chevron is found is also beneficial. Carrots, spicy, juicy berries, and stores are also very useful for eye health.
Eye drops:
Instead of the drops you get in the market, let's go home
They can make diameter s and they will benefit greatly, and most importantly they have no side effect.
A cup roses
Four meal spoon juice leaves
Four cup water
 the method of preparation:
First, boil water and add rose leaves and juice berry leaves to boil it sometime. Now when it cools down and keep the water in the refrigerator.
And in the morning, wash the eyes with this water. Three months later, you will see that your weak eyes and all herbal diseases are fixed. If you do not find the desired results, this process can be continued for a while.
2-    A weak eye clock is often associated with either nervous therapy (called myopia) or fungus (called hyperopia). Generally, factors such as genetic, nutritional nutrition, ages and maximum stress contribute to these conditions.

The most common symptoms of weak eyes are an angry view, constant headaches, and watery eyes.

Make sure to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes, due to eye problems, serious problems such as glucose, macular adoption, fat roid and optic neuropathic may occur.
How to improve eysight
Home remedy to improve eyesight 

Usually, the prescription usually is accurate with glasses, lens or even surgery. You can try to naturally treat natural eyes to help improve your eyesight.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for weakened eyes.
Eye exercises

Eye exercises make your eyes muscle more flexible and carry eye-to-eye and blood flow to maintain the best outlook. Regular eyes practice exercising and focusing on eye tension as well as to improve detention.

Here are some exercises to improve your eyes:

Exercise 1

Put the pencil and pay attention to one arm length. Gradually bring it near your nose and then move you away from your point of view until you can focus it on. Repeat about 10 times a day.

Exercise 2:

Roll your eyes in the direction of watch for a few seconds, and then rotate their watch for a few seconds. Bend your eyes between each set, repeat four or five times.

Exercise 3:

Try to melt your eyebrows without closing your eyes 20 times 30 times faster and over again. Finally, close your eyes and relax. You can also try palm, which is described below. Do this daily twice.

Exercise 4:  
Increasing your insight on remote object for a while. Without stopping your eyes, the best way to do this is to watch the moon and pay attention to it for three to five minutes daily.

Practice one or more of these eyes on regular basis, at least for a few months, to get encouraging results.

2. Sunning and Palming

Exquisite and palm for the eyes are also beneficial, as these methods re-activate and help the muscles of the eye lens and peppers.

Canning will provide the benefit of the healing of the sun and will create a sense of comfort and promotion of the palm. According to the Chinese culture, the sun contains the importance of biological energy which is important for eye health and overall health of the body.

  • For sunlight, take a deep breath while allowing the sun to shine directly on your holes. Do it once a few minutes a day, then palm.
  • For palms, rub your palm as well and rub your palm on your closed eyes without straining the eyes slowly. To find your eyes completely, make sure that there is no light of the light. Exhibiting a pleasant scene daily this several times.

3. Acupressure/Acupuncture

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), eye disorders or diseases are often related to the liver and kidney closure. There are various acupuncture points around the eye kidneys, which are bones around the eyes.

  • Each acupuncture massage around your kidneys massage slowly massage for five to 10 seconds. Point # 1 is shown in the picture above and every specific approach goes towards mass and outdoors. You can do this several times a day. Note: If you are pregnant, consult a trained acupuncture before trying this therapy. In addition, do not massage regions with signs, burns or infections.

  • Walking on the grass in the morning grass seems to be an acupuncture method for almost 30 minutes so that the eyes can be improved because the nerve fiber attached to your feet enables fibers. On the other and third fingers there are reflexology pressure points for eyes. In addition, green green grass is comfortable for eyes.

4. Ginkgo Biloba

Genoa Balba improves rotation and eye flow. In addition to improving your perspective, it protects against issues such as glucose and molecules. Early research shows that they can also benefit from retapopy.

Genoa Blabba is also known for removing anxiety and improving memory and thinking, especially in those affected by dementia and alzheimer's disease.

Take 120 megawatts of standard geno bulb capsules in two or three distributed dose.

Note: The herbs should not be given to the children. Additionally, people with diabetes should advise their doctor before taking this herbal.

5. Bilberry

There is another popular herbal for visual and eye health. It can also help improve night vision as it promotes the creation of Retina's visual purple component.

In addition, this protects macular vessels, glucose, and pearls. It is also good for diabetes or retina-related problems related to high blood pressure because it is more of a chemotherapy chemical, which is anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Eat a half cup of baked daily baked fruit.
You can also treat bleeder after consulting your doctor. Usually, it is recommended that 160 grams of bulb extraction (with 25% antioxidant) twice a day, a few times a week.
Note: As this herbs may have other herbal and medicinal interactions, consult your doctor before.

6. Almonds

Almonds are also very good to improve insight because of their richty 3 fatty acids, vitamins and anti-oxidant material. They also help in increasing memory and detention.

  • Take 5 to 10 almonds in the water all night.
  • Next morning, grind the rod and almonds quickly.
  • Use this glass with heat milk.
  • Do this at least for a few months.