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The easiest natural way to eliminate the odor from the mouth |
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Disorder after eating is a natural process, but if there is a smell of sulfur, then humans are feeling very embarrassed. The smell of sulfur smell is like odor eggs and it comes to sound without any disorder. A lot of embarrassment is caused by human being due to these acts. Come, let's tell you how to deal with these types of demons.
Causes of Sulfur Disorders:
If you are eating food that includes sulfur, you will be able to get rid of it. When it comes to stomach, it changes into hydrogen sulfide, which causes discomfort of gas. Such foods include eggs, green leafy vegetables like closed cabbage, Molly and red mole. Onions and garlic also cause sulfur in the stomach. Similarly, if you have a stomach
If you are pregnant, then it also causes sulfur disorders due to the mouth. Due to these bacteria, gasses produce stomach and their smell is like the sulfur.
The method of procurement:
You need to drink as much as possible water. Health experts say that due to water the food starts to digestive and reduces the process of becoming gas in the stomach and reduces disorders. Therefore, avoid sulfur foods. If they can not leave them completely, reduce their quantity. Reduce the amount of onion and garlic in your foods because they cause more sulfur.
1-Use of yogurt:
Prostitutes are found in the yogurt that stimulates the bacterial odor while stirring the good bacteria present in the stomach.
2-apple vinegar:
Due to this coin, there will be good bacteria in the stomach and will not be bad.
Drinking one to two spoon apples in a glass of water will reduce the end of your mouth. Honey can also be added to make this drink sweet.
3-Baking Soda:
If you are choking and choking, then mix and drink two meal spoon baking soda in a glass of water. Due to this, the odor of mouth will end. This process can be continued for two to three days.
4-Green Tea:
In this tea, ingredients are found which will lead to digestive treatment. A good cup of tea will cure your stomach before sleeping, will also save you from bad drinkers.
Home Remedies for Bad Breath
Bad breath, which is also known as heterosis, is embarrassing and can take place on your level of trust. Bad breath may be due to a number of reasons such as appetite food, cigarette, dry mouth, medical condition, gum disease and respiratory conditions.
However, the main reason for bad breath is bacteria, which occurs between your tongue or your teeth.
It is necessary to maintain good oral health to control bad healing. It contains the regular toothbrush, flow, and language scraping.
It is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your breath fresh. Plus, after eating meals, taste the water around your mouth for a few seconds. They will find the food particles stuck between your teeth and clean your mouth.
With water, you can also treat bad breath with some easily available ingredients of your kitchen closet.
Here are the top 10 home remedies for bad breath.
(Out of the 10, we have covered 3 highly effective home remedies in this video as well.
1. Fennel
The fennel work out of a fine mouth that helps to control bad breath. It also includes antimicrobial features that fight bacteria in the mouth.
A spoonful chicken weaved to gradually refresh your breath and promote production.
You drink tea once again a day. To make this tea, hungry seeds of one or two towels in a cup of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Cinnamon
Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde, an essential oil that not only covers up bad breath but also reduces the number of bacteria in your mouth.
Take a break twice a day for the treatment of bad breath.
Steal a finger powder chicken in a cup of water.
You can also add some innings and muscles.
Stop the solution and use it as mouth to refresh your breath.
3. Fenugreek
Fenugreek tea is highly effective when bad breath is caused by catarrhal infections.
- Boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water.
- Strain and drink this tea once daily until you get rid of the problem.
4. Cloves
Long-life help refreshes your breath and also features anti-bacterial features that are very helpful in getting rid of bad breath.
The easiest way to pop a few pieces of lingerie in your mouth is to kiss them well. It will end badly in a few minutes.
You can also make thick tea. Add a cup of water, add a tea greasy lamp and throw it to 5 to 10 minutes. Use tea twice or twice as a mineral.
5. Parsle
The compound contains chlorophytes that can help to clean the bad breath.
- Just freshen up your breath, took a chicken on a fresh aged stick. You can also sink this herbal in the vinegar and then be chewing it well.
- Another option is to put alien leaves through a juicer and at any time you need to refresh your breath. It will also help in digestion
6. Lemon Juice
Abortion with a lemon is used for breeding breeds. Amid content in lime prevents bacterial growth in your mouth. In addition, its strong smell helps the mask of the dirty mess.7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Due to its PH balance effects, apple cider syrup treats a great treatment for bad breath. You can try any of these methods in terms of your preferences.
- Taste a tea tent, raw, badly apple cider syrup in water and get it before eating your meals. The vinegar will help with the help of digestive disease, as well.
- Mixed apple cider in a cup of water messed with vinegar.
8. Baking Soda
Baking soda is also known as soda bacterobatate, it is another solution to prevent salvation and prevention of bad breath. It balances acid levels that contribute to bad breath. In addition, it fears oral bacteria which is due to bad breath.
- Mix a half-teaspoon baking soda in a glass of hot water and use the mouth once daily, unless you are satisfied with the results.
- With baking soda, brush your teeth will help reduce the acids in your mouth and avoid bacteria being built on your tongue.
9. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has the characteristics of the Institute that works like a powerful disposal for your mouth. You can get tea tree oil differently.
- Brush your teeth toothbrush oil toothbrush.
- Each other option is to put some tea tree of your regular thumb paste along with your toothbrush oil.
- You can also mix some tea tree oil, pepper oil and lemon oil in a glass of water and use it as a mouthpiece.
10. Tea
Generally, herbal diseases can also help to fight badly. Antioxidant polfenol present in both green and black tea can prevent bacterial development responsible for bad respiration.
You can also choose as a kidney tea like a kidney tea. To make this tea, make a dry dry dry dried baby in a cup hot water for five minutes. To keep your breath fresh, stir tea and drink several times a day.